Pest control in Florida is an ongoing process. You might already know some of the helpful habits that can help deter any unwelcome guests from infesting your home. By clearing out clutter and keeping your food supply stored in airtight containers, you limit the appeal of your home to a variety of pests. These are the kinds of precautions you can take throughout the year – but what if there was an extra layer of defense you can take with no added effort? And what if this defense could actually make your home more comfortable and even more efficient? All of that is possible with TAP® Insulation, a service offered by the team at Florida Pest Control. Curious about why a pest control company would install insulation? Keep reading to learn more!
What is TAP® Insulation?
TAP stands for Thermal, Acoustical, Pest Control Insulation. Unlike batting or spray foam, TAP comes in the form of loose-fill cellulose that can easily be blown into the walls of new buildings or the attics of existing homes. Once it settles, it activates a very special superpower. Because TAP is treated with Boric acid, a naturally occurring mineral that cannot harm pets, children or adults unless ingested in large quantities. But when insect pests come into contact with it, they end up ingesting it through grooming themselves or other people. Insect pests are unable to pass Boric acid, and they eventually die of malnutrition or dehydration. And, with that, you’ve stopped a soon-to-be infestation without you having to do a thing.
While it is unable to kill rats or rodents, TAP can effectively control a wide range of pests. This covers ants and termites (especially Formosan termites), all the way up to snails, roaches, and many varieties of beetle. And that’s only the beginning of how TAP can make your home a more comfortable place to live.
Benefits of TAP® Pest Control Insulation
In addition to being a constant, effective pest fighter, TAP is a quality insulator. That’s because the cellulose that it’s made of slows the transfer of heat and leaves you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It can even do a passable job of absorbing noise from outside the home – not as well as spray foam, but better than fiberglass batting. Many of our clients love the reliability of TAP insulation, and how it remains effective nearly perpetually after the initial installation.
Of course, it isn’t a perfect insulator in all conditions. Cellulose is especially vulnerable to rot and moisture damage, so to care for it you need to make sure your attic isn’t experiencing moisture intrusion or a leaky roof. As long as that’s the case, you can enjoy an eco-forward insulator that’s made primarily out of recycled material.
TAP® Insulation From Florida Pest Control
There’s a lot to like about TAP insulation. Not only will it kill pests for as long as it’s kept intact, but it’ll also actually save you money. You’ll spend less on your monthly HVAC bills since your furnace and A/C will be able to function better and with less energy. And that’s not to mention the cost saved on pesticide treatments you won’t need. Don’t get us wrong, if you still need residential pest control we’re happy to help. But we’d rather have your house keep itself pest-free on an ongoing basis. Contact us to schedule an estimate for TAP Insulation.