Once bed bugs are found in your home, it is normal to attempt to clean almost every inch of your home. While bed bugs have a preference for living in mattresses, it is also likely for them to infest carpets too! Rather than burrowing deep into the carpet, bed bugs stay close to the surface, making it easier for you to remove them with your vacuum. Following the steps mentioned below is a useful way to drastically reduce the amount of bed bugs in your home. Should you be dealing with a full-blown infestation, reaching out to a professional exterminator may be your next move.
Cleaning Bed Bug-Infested Rugs and Carpet
It can be difficult to get rid of bed bugs in your carpet without professional treatment. However, there are several things you can do to remove the bugs from carpets and rugs.
To get rid of bed bugs in the carpet, there are several things you can do:
- Use a vacuum with a bag to be able to seal the bugs properly.
- Spread diatomaceous earth on the carpet you will vacuum.
- Thoroughly vacuum, going over the areas at least two or three times.
- To be safe, repeat steps 1-3 as much as you wish.
- Remove the vacuum cleaner bag outside if possible. Seal properly.
- For extra protection, consider cleaning the rug or carpet with shampoo or a steam clean!
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Bed Bugs or Carpet Beetles?
Bed bugs are frequently mistaken for carpet beetles and vice versa. With this in mind, how do you know for sure what you are dealing with? By learning some differences between the two, you can approach either insect with the best strategy. In the larval stage, carpet beetles look like fuzzy miniature caterpillars, while bed bugs look like longer worms. Regardless, it’s important to thoroughly clean your carpet and rug to get rid of the bugs.
Do You Need to Get Carpets Professionally Cleaned After Bed Bugs?
If you’ve had professional bed bug treatment, you can trust the infestation has been controlled. Regardless, it can bring you peace of mind to get your carpets or rugs professionally cleaned or steamed after an infestation! High heat and steam help kill off any lingering bugs.
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